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2023 Spring Plant Sale @ Farm

Come visit the farm for our 6th Annual Spring Plant Sale on the farm in Krestova!

Our mission is to make it easier for you to grow and eat healthy food.

Starting FRIDAY, MAY 5th, we are open 10am to 5pm, EVERYDAY!

We will have an amazing display of certified organic vegetable and herb transplants as well as fruit trees, small fruits and edible perennials. Now offering all your garden needs with farm-produced compost, top soil, organic fertilizers and soil medias.

Pre-order online for May pickup and avoid missing out on high-demand items!
For more information on online plant and garden orders please visit here.

Please bring your own cardboard boxes, containers, bags and carts as we have a limited amount available.

Parking is available but please keep your pets at home!

3850 Krestova Road, Krestova, BC (Google Maps)

Online Order Pickup Information

Please check your selected pickup date or weekend on your order confirmation email (found in the “Shipping” tab below your list of ordered products). Please arrive during the open hours for your selected date or weekend. Unfortunately, if you arrive to pick up your order before your scheduled weekend, your order may not be ready.  

If you wish to check out the rest of the nursery, please park with the general public and notify the till staff that you are picking up your order under your last name. Our staff will then pull your order and place it at the till where it can be picked up (and paid for if still outstanding) when you are ready. 

DRIVE-THRU EXPRESS LANE: If you do not wish to browse the public nursery, there will be a separate drive-thru pickup lane for Online Orders only. A staff member will meet you at your vehicle to ask for the last name of the order you are picking up. They will then radio into the other staff to find your order and bring it to your vehicle. If payment is still outstanding, our staff will take your payment before loading the plants. You can then choose to allow us to load your vehicle or you can load it yourself. 

If your online order qualified for Local Delivery, please check your selected location. 
, Cottonwood Parking Lot: May 9th 3-5pm
Castlegar, Community Complex Parking Lot: May 10th 3-5pm
Winlaw, Elementary School Parking Lot: May 11th 3-5pm
We will offer a drive-thru plant pickup service at these locations. Orders must be paid in full prior to pick up. 

Sweetpotato Slip orders will not be available until your selected pickup date on your order invoice.

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