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Black Currant


A handsome fruiting hedge. Extremely productive. Medium-sized fruit forms in clusters on this compact, upright bush. Fruit is high in vitamin C and can be eaten fresh, but is traditionally used for prized and popular preserves. Also ideal for juicing, wine, and fruit liqueurs. Plant tolerates shade. Cold-hardy. Ripens in June or July. Self-pollinating.

*Do not plant within 900 ft. of white pines due to the potential for Blister Rust. 


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Available as : #01 potted

Black Jostaberry


A gooseberry and currant cross! The rich berry taste is reminiscent of gooseberry with a kiss of black currant. Deep-red, almost-black fruit is high in vitamin C and forms in large clusters, ideal for juices, jams and jellies, and fresh-eating. Cold-hardy plants are long-lived, thornless, and productive once established. Debuted in 1977. The name “jostaberry” itself is a combination of the German word for blackcurrant, “Johannisbeere” and for gooseberry, “Stachelbeere”. Disease-resistant to American gooseberry mildew, black currant leaf spot, white pine blister rust, and big bud gall mite. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating but does well with cross-pollination.


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Available as: #02 Potted

Red Currant


Grow clusters of popular dark red berries! Attractive heavy-bearing bushes yield the tastiest currants you’ve ever savored. Berries hold well on the bush and are ideal for jellies, preserves, tarts, and muffins. Cold-hardy. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating.

*Do not plant within 900 ft. of white pines due to the potential for Blister Rust. 


Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!


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Available as : #01 potted

White Currant


A natural mutation of the red currant varieties. Medium-sized fruit forms in clusters on this compact, upright bush. The small, round berries appear green to start but later transform into creamy shades of white and pink. Fruit is high in vitamin C and can be eaten fresh, but is traditionally used for prized and popular preserves. Plant tolerates shade. Cold-hardy. Ripens in June or July. Self-pollinating.

*Do not plant within 900 ft. of white pines due to the potential for Blister Rust. 


Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!


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Available as: #01 potted

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