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‘Autumn Delight’ Acorn Squash Transplant


Uniform fruit with rich, dark green skin. Strong powdery mildew tolerance. Semibush plants. Stores well for 2–3 months. Avg. yield: 6–8 fruits/plant. Avg. weight: 1 1/2–2 1/2 lb.


F-1 Hybrid.  80 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Blue’ Hubbard Squash Transplant


A beloved heirloom with a hard, bumpy, blue-green shell. A fall tradition at New England roadside stands. Medium-dry, medium-sweet yellow flesh. Avg. weight: 12–15 lb., with some larger. Avg. yield: 1 or sometimes 2 fruits/plant.


OP.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Early Butter’ Butternut Squash Transplant


Productive and uniform. Compact, semi-bush vines bear a heavy crop of medium 10-12” fruits with tan skin. Dark orange, fine-textured flesh with sweet flavour and good storing qualities


OP.  75 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Honey Boat’ Delicata Squash Transplant


Many claim that this refined Delicata is the “sweetest squash in existence”. Long fruits have the traditional green striping of Delicatas, but with coppery skin instead of the classic yellow. Holds well and keeps its sweetness through storage. Developed by Oregon State University vegetable breeder Jim Baggett. Avg. weight: 1-1.5 lb. Avg. yield: 4-7 fruit.


OP.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Orangetti’ Spaghetti Squash Transplant


Bright-orange inside and out. Sweet, delicate, spaghetti-like flesh. 8-10” fruit make an appetizing presentation and have higher beta-carotene content than standard spaghetti squash. Short term storage.


F-1 Hybrid.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Reserve yours now for pickup this spring!

‘Pinnacle’ Spaghetti Squash Transplant


Smaller and more uniform than OP varieties for a more predictable outcome. Slightly sweet, nutty flavour. An excellent pasta alternative — bake or boil, fork out the flesh, and top the “spaghetti” with your favourite sauce. Attractive, bright lemon-yellow shell. High yielding. Semi bush plants. Suitable for denser plantings.


F-1 Hybrid.  85 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Red Kuri’ Hubbard Squash Transplant


Flashy and tear-drop shaped. Baby red hubbard with appealing colour and shape. Flesh is smooth in texture and great for pies and purées because specks of skin (being red) will not show. Avg. weight: 3-5 lb. Avg. yield: 2-3 fruit.


OP.  92 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Sugar Dumpling’ Acorn Squash Transplant


Deep orange, fine-grained inner flesh. Bred for semi-bush habit, powdery mildew resistance and exceptionally high sugar content. 4-6 fruits/plant. Stores up to 6 months. Avg. weight: 1.5-2 lb. Avg. yield: 4-7 fruit.


F-1 Hybrid.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Sunshine’ Kabocha Squash Transplant


Unbeatable flavor and a vigorous, compact plant habit won Sunshine F1 an All-America Selections award in 2004 and growers have been singing its praises ever since. Flattened globe-shaped fruits have excellent flavor and tender, stringless texture. A great culinary variety for baking, mashing or pies. Semi-bush. Avg. weight: 3-5 lb. Avg. yield: 2-4 fruits per plant.


F1.  95 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Sweet Mama’ Kabocha Squash Transplant


It’s a unique kabocha that produces on a very space-saving short vine. In our trials, Sweet Mama was also among the earliest to mature. The dark green fruit reach about 8 inches across and 4 inches tall with striking gray ribs and speckles. Inside, the meaty flesh is a dark yellow with a nutty flavor. Avg. weight: 4-5 lb. Avg. yield: 3-4 fruits per plant.


F1.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Sweet REBA’ Acorn Squash Transplant


High yielding, uniform, disease-resistant variety that allows for good sugar production. Resistant Early Bush Acorn (REBA) continues putting energy into developing sugars long after everything else has withered. Out-performed Table Ace in bush habit, mildew resistance, yield, flavour, uniformity and ripeness. From Cornell University. 4-5 fruits/plant. 1.5-2lb fruits. Bush plants. Suitable for denser plantings.


OP.  85 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted






Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Waltham’ Butternut Squash Transplant


Still the benchmark for large butternuts. Larger fruits with small seed cavities and thick, straight, cylindrical necks. Flesh has smooth texture and sweet flavour, particularly after 2 months of storage. This 1970 All-America Selections winner from Massachusetts is still deservedly the most widely grown, full-size OP butternut. Fruits avg. 9″ long. Avg. weight: 4–5 lb. Avg. yield: 4–5 fruits/plant.


OP.  105 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

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