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‘Alaska Mix’ Nasturtium Transplants


Green-and-white variegated foliage. Improved strain of brilliant, single, 2″ flowers in yellow, crimson, orange, salmon and cherry. Compact, mound-shaped plants. Also known as garden nasturtium and Indian cress.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Apocalypse Scorpion’ Pepper Transplant


One of the world’s hottest peppers! Super productive plants that produce huge pods! With heat comparing to the classic Carolina Reaper, this pepper packs a punch! When used in moderation, adds a great flavor to any dish.  CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 1,000,000+.


OP.  130 Days Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Barracuda Poblano’ Pepper Transplant


This medium to large-sized pepper has great fruit quality that maintains size throughout the season. Barracuda is a vigorous plant with uniform fruits that will turn red if left on the vine to mature further. A mild hot pepper that can be used fresh like a bell or more commonly stuffed for “chili relleno”


SHU 500-1,000.


F-1 Hybrid.  95 Days Green, 110 Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Bilko’ Napa Cabbage Transplants


A nice darker green Napa or Chinese cabbage that tends to reach 12″ tall. Wide adaptability. Slow-bolting heads have a good, mild, sweet flavour. High resistance to clubroot and fusarium yellows.


F-1 Hybrid.  54 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Black Magic’ Kale Transplant


Black Magic is a well-maintained selection of Toscano kale with long, narrow leaves for attractive and tall, straight bunches. Dark blue-green leaves with beautiful savoy. Lacinato or “dinosaur” type kale.


OP.  65 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Bushel Basket’ Cherry Tomato Basket


Grow yellow and red cherry tomatoes in the same basket! Our Bushel Basket hangers have one Yellow Cascade and one Tumbler Cherry per hanging basket. This way you get both colours for a vivid display that’s sure to be an eye-catcher.  Dwarf, determinate plants create many branches that will spread out and droop over the sides of the basket. They produce heavy yields of 1 to 2″, red fruits, often many weeks before typical garden tomatoes we offer.


They do require special care since they are grown in hanging baskets with limited root volume and nutrients and is more sensitive to environmental elements. Please read our Vegetable Basket Care Guide before ordering if you are unfamiliar with this product.


Determinate. Cherry. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 12″ hanging basket







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‘Carmen’ Pepper Transplant


Best-tasting sweet Italian frying pepper. A high-performing rendition of the classic Corno di Toro (or “Bull’s Horn”) pepper popular in Italy. Early, adaptable, and notably sweet (especially when fully red-ripe) with a shapely tapered silhouette. Begins green, then deepens to a beautiful carmine at maturity. Excellent roasted, grilled, and in salads.


F-1 Hybrid.  60 Green, 80 Days Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Chieftain’ Organic Seed Potato


Red skinned Chieftain organic potatoes have oval to oblong tubers with smooth, bright red skin, shallow eyes, and white flesh. It’s a high yielding variety that is widely adapted and stores well. Use these spuds for boiling, baking and French fries. This variety enjoys moderate resistance to late blight, common scab, Rhizoctonia, silver scurf, stem-end browning, tuber net necrosis, and Verticillium wilt. Mid-season.


Certified Organic Certified Seed Potato Stock; Grown in BC






1Kg Bagged


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‘Corina Mix’ Pansy Transplants


Well-branched plants continue to be covered with blooms throughout the season. Corina grew well in a summer of extreme drought, overwintered and then re-bloomed from early spring onwards. The 21 colour mix includes novelties like black and terracotta and a good range of other viola colours (purple, blues, yellows).


F-1 Hybrid. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Crackerjack Mix’ Marigold Transplants


Superhero is a lovely compact French marigold with unreal uniformity and stable colours. Stunning 2″ blooms make any garden fit for a Super Hero! French marigolds are smaller in stature and generally have smaller blooms. Blooms come in an array of styles including crested, anemone, single, and fully double. Longer blooming compared to African types, gardeners enjoy flowers up through frost. Ideal to use as edging in flower beds, mass plantings, and containers.


OP.  Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Dahlia Formula’ Zinnia Transplants


Fully double, 4-5 inch wide flowers that are shaped like dahlias. This species is native to Mexico, and plants are fast-growing and long-blooming. Zinnias are good cut flowers. In addition, they are excellent for pollinator plantings and are especially attractive to butterflies. Petals are edible.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Diamond Harrow’ Peach


Winter-hardy and disease-resistant! An early, medium-sized variety with pretty pink blooms to perk up the spring landscape. Fruit has an attractive, 70% scarlet skin over a yellow background with a firm, deep yellow flesh and excellent flavor. High resistance to bacterial spot and brown rot, and has few split pits. A very nice fresh-eating freestone variety that is also good for canning and preserves. Developed in Ontario, Canada and is quite hardy, which means heavy bud-set — subsequent thinning is required for best results. Ripens in July.

Self-fertile. Does not require cross pollination.


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‘Disco Mix’ Marigold Transplants


A large, single-flowered variety with brightly coloured blooms in yellow, orange, gold, and red shades on compact plants. Free-flowering and rain tolerant. Blooms are 2”. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10”


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Divergent’ Cantaloupe Transplant


This is our Fan Favourite at markets every year! Premium-quality organic cantaloupe. Bred and trialled to withstand the stressors of organic cropping systems, these 3 1/2–4 lb. heavily netted fruits are exceptionally sweet and aromatic. Harvest at forced slip or cut from the vine when the skin is mostly yellow but still shows a 30–40% green hue.


F1-Hybrid. 75 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Dwarf Jewel Blend’ Nasturtium Transplants


Sweet, mildly spicy flavour when grown as a green. Dwarf plants are covered with large double blooms in a rainbow of bright, sunny colours. Blooms are held well above the deep green foliage. Height 12-16 inches. A popular easy-to-grow annual. Ideal for beds, terraces, window boxes, planters and trellises. Nasturtium flowers and unripe seed pods are edible.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Earliblaze’ Nectarine


Medium-sized juicy fruit and glossy green foliage make this an attractive choice. Heavy producing tree when mature. The spring flush of pink flowers are very fragrant adding to its value as a great selection for the home orchard. Winter hardy in zone 5.


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‘Escamillo’ Pepper Transplant


Delicious yellow Italian frying pepper. The golden-yellow counterpart to lovely ‘Carmen’ and a refined take on the popular Corno di Toro (or “Bull’s Horn”) pepper class. Bred by Johnny’s and named for Carmen’s love interest in the French opera: the bullfighter Escamillo. Intoxicating sweetness any way it is prepared, but traditionally used for frying. Broad-shouldered with an attractive taper. Excellent roasted, grilled, and in salads.


F-1 Hybrid.  60 Green, 80 Days Yellow.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘French Fingerling’ Organic Seed Potato


Small to medium in size and are slender and cylindrical in shape with rounded ends, averaging 6-7cm in length. The rose-coloured skin is thin and smooth with some shallow eyes and brown spotting scattered across the surface. Light yellow flesh. Late season.


Certified Organic Certified Seed Potato Stock; Grown in BC






1Kg Bagged


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‘Giant Italian’ Parsley Transplants


The preferred culinary variety. Huge, dark green leaves with great flavour. Strong, upright stems. Very high yielding.


OP.  74 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4pk potted






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‘Greek’ Basil Transplants


Genuine spicy-sweet, Greek basil flavour. Neat, uniform plants perfect for pots and garden beds. 1/2″ long leaves. One plant perfectly fills a 3-6″ pot with an attractive boxwood-like, mounded or domed appearance. Small, flavorful leaves make convenient garnishes and are easily pinched from the plant or stem and sprinkled over dishes. Also known as Pluto or Greco a Palla Basil.


OP.  45 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)






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‘Green Magic’ Broccoli Transplants


Excellent heat tolerance. Heads are smooth, well-domed, and very attractive. Extremely uniform in maturity. Similar to Gypsy, but with a smaller plant, smoother heads, and better uniformity. For summer harvest.


F-1 Hybrid.  57 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Honey Boat’ Delicata Squash Transplant


Many claim that this refined Delicata is the “sweetest squash in existence”. Long fruits have the traditional green striping of Delicatas, but with coppery skin instead of the classic yellow. Holds well and keeps its sweetness through storage. Developed by Oregon State University vegetable breeder Jim Baggett. Avg. weight: 1-1.5 lb. Avg. yield: 4-7 fruit.


OP.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Honeycrisp’ Apple


Large-sized red apple that is exceptionally crisp, sweet and juicy, making it a must for any home or commercial orchard. Its fine texture makes it great for fresh eating. Ripens late September. Exceptional storage life. A 1991 University of Minnesota introduction.


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See “Rootstock Details” tab below for more information on roostock characteristics.

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‘Jamaican Scotch Bonnet’ Pepper Transplant


An heirloom treasure from Jamaica, this pepper is fruity and full-bodied, providing the backbone of countless Caribbean delicacies. Named for the unique shaped fruits which resemble famous “tam o shanter” Scottish hat. These peppers are critical for the vinegar sauce in Jamaican Escovitch (escabeche). The thick walls of the pepper are well suited to long cooking times for making jerks and curries.  CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 500,000+.


OP.  120 Days Yellow


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Jay’s Peach Bhut Jolokia’ Pepper Transplant


The legendary ghost pepper of Northern India in a peach sherbert tone. While the colour may be inviting, don’t forget that the bhut jolokia took the record for world’s hottest pepper in 2007. This peachy princess in nothing short of scorching! Top-notch for extreme hot sauce blends and powders or nuclear hot cooking recipes. The thin-walled wrinkled fruit average 3 inches in length and pack an astounding 1 million Scoville heat units. CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 1,000,000+.


OP.  130 Days Peach


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Kaleidoscope Blend’ Kale Transplants


A kale blend for serious lovers! A great blend of textures and colours to add to salads, stirfries, soups and more. These 6 packs contain 2x Darkibor (green curly), 2x Black Magic (dino), 1x Scarlet (red curly) and 1x Red Russian.


50-65 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Kennebec’ Organic Seed Potato


Kennebec is a mid-season maturing potato that is oblong with white skin and flesh. They are great for boiling, baking or frying. Famous for french fries like at the Dam Inn and many other restaurants!


Certified Organic Certified Seed Potato Stock; Grown in BC.






1Kg Bagged


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‘Lemon Boy’ Tomato Transplant

Bright yellow tomato. Produces globe-shaped, 6 oz fruit that are lemon coloured inside and out, featuring a mild, low acid flavour. Fruit are about 3½” in diameter.

Indeterminate. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Loch Ness’ Blackberry

Glossy black berries are big on size and flavour! The 4-6 ft. semi-erect canes bear delicious, monster-sized berries in mid to late July that are ideal for fresh eating, preserves and juices. Thornless canes are easy to manage and resistant to double blooms. Bred in Scotland SCRI (1988). Plants can reach yields of 8lbs each! Plants can reach yields of 8lbs each! Thornless semi-erect canes may need support under heavy fruit load. Summer-bearing floricane. Mid-late season. Heat-tolerant. Self-pollinating.


Pre-order now to pick up from the farm or ship via mail order this spring!


Select from available product options. ONLY Bareroot canes qualify for Mail Order Shipping.

‘Magnum Habanero’ Pepper Transplant


Typical habanero with bonnet shape and a gorgeous bright orange colour. Uniformity and productivity are top-notch, producing loads of shiny scorching peppers. Plants are tall, well-branched and tolerant of cool conditions, ensuring maturity in cooler climates.


SHU 120,000-210,000.


OP.  100 Days Orange


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Mammoth’ Sunflower Transplant


The giant of all sunflowers with tall, thick stalks supporting huge heads that tower over the garden. This single-stemmed variety is a very fast and vigorous grower, perfect for creating living walls or fences, sunflower houses, kids’ gardens and more. Also a great variety for edible seeds or feeding the birds. Towering plants are beloved by children, birds and bees.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Merengo’ Celery Transplants


Early! Merengo is an easy to grow celery variety with good crunch and flavour, excellent for snacking. Long and smooth dark green stalks. Very uniform, healthy, tall upright plants have high resistance to Fusarium Yellows.


F-1 Hybrid.  80 Days.


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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‘Millennium’ Asparagus


A cold-hardy asparagus that maintains tip tightness as it grows. Since Millennium is well-adapted to various soil types, including heavier soils, growers can utilize land previously unsuitable for asparagus production. Male crowns which are more productive. Spears are tight, green and large.  Bred by the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, Millennium is becoming the new industry standard for asparagus production. Intermediate resistance to rust.


SAVE 13% when purchasing bareroot crowns in multiples of 10


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Select from available product options. ONLY Bareroot options qualify for Mail Order Shipping.

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Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

‘Mountain Princess’ Tomato Transplant


Perfectly rounded fruits with a crowd-pleasing mild sweet flavour. Very productive and early; great for short, cool seasons.


OP. Determinate (Bush). Beefsteak.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted or 5″ Potted







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‘Pink Lemonade’ Blueberry


Finally back at Linden Lane! A stunning ornamental that bears delicious pink blueberries. This unique berry matures to a bright pink colour and offers a flavorful treat. The plant produces showy pink flowers in spring and gold and orange foliage in fall. Mid- to late-season. Developed in 1996. Cold-hardy. Ripens in late July to early August. Self-pollinating. Rabbiteye crossed to North Highbush.


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Available as: #01 potted

‘Provider’ Bush Bean Transplants


Compact plants are easy to grow and adaptable to diverse soil and climate conditions. Produces 5-5 1/2″ fleshy round pod green beans. High resistance to bean mosaic virus and powdery mildew. Bush habit.


OP.  50 Days mature


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack Potted







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‘Red Ghost Bhut Jolokia’ Pepper Transplant


Legendary variety, one of the world’s hottest peppers, with readings in excess of 1,000,000 Scoville units! Bhut Jolokia starts out slow but eventually makes tall plants, exceeding 4 feet in favoured locations. The thin-walled, wrinkled, pointed fruit reaches 2-3 inches in length, ripening mostly to red. CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 1,000,000+.


OP.  120 Days Red


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted






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‘Red Kuri’ Hubbard Squash Transplant


Flashy and tear-drop shaped. Baby red hubbard with appealing colour and shape. Flesh is smooth in texture and great for pies and purées because specks of skin (being red) will not show. Avg. weight: 3-5 lb. Avg. yield: 2-3 fruit.


OP.  92 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Red Russian’ Kale Transplants


Smooth green, purple-veined leaves for baby leaf and bunching. Stems are purple; leaves are flat and toothed with purple veins. The plants mature medium-tall and leaves are tender compared to other kales. For salads and light cooking.


OP.  50 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Rhubarb Supreme’ Chard Transplants


The most bolt-resistant red chard for full-size bunching. Rhubarb Supreme boasts a beautiful bunch with wide, rich red petioles and lustrous, dark green leaves with a deep savoy curl.


OP.  60 Days to Mature.


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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