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Showing 41–80 of 163 results

‘Disco Mix’ Marigold Transplants


A large, single-flowered variety with brightly coloured blooms in yellow, orange, gold, and red shades on compact plants. Free-flowering and rain tolerant. Blooms are 2”. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10”


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Divergent’ Cantaloupe Transplant


This is our Fan Favourite at markets every year! Premium-quality organic cantaloupe. Bred and trialled to withstand the stressors of organic cropping systems, these 3 1/2–4 lb. heavily netted fruits are exceptionally sweet and aromatic. Harvest at forced slip or cut from the vine when the skin is mostly yellow but still shows a 30–40% green hue.


F1-Hybrid. 75 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Divina’ Butterhead Lettuce Transplants


Slow to bolt and has a lovely velvety texture. French variety with good sized densely packed heads that can be grown all season.

Grown from seed produced by our local Winnow Seed Co.


OP.  50 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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‘Dunja’ Zucchini Transplant


Organic, early, powdery mildew resistant. Dunja is a high yielder of dark-green, straight zucchinis. Open plants and short spines make for an easy harvest. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew, papaya ringspot virus, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus.


F-1 Hybrid.  50 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Dwarf Jewel Blend’ Nasturtium Transplants


Sweet, mildly spicy flavour when grown as a green. Dwarf plants are covered with large double blooms in a rainbow of bright, sunny colours. Blooms are held well above the deep green foliage. Height 12-16 inches. A popular easy-to-grow annual. Ideal for beds, terraces, window boxes, planters and trellises. Nasturtium flowers and unripe seed pods are edible.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Early Butter’ Butternut Squash Transplant


Productive and uniform. Compact, semi-bush vines bear a heavy crop of medium 10-12” fruits with tan skin. Dark orange, fine-textured flesh with sweet flavour and good storing qualities


OP.  75 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Early Girl’ Tomato Transplant


An early maturing variety. Heavy fruit bearer throughout summer with disease-resistant vines. An all-round popular hybrid that produces delicious, fresh tomatoes perfect for slicing on a plate, adding to a salad, or on a sandwich.


F-1 Hybrid. Indeterminate. Beefsteak.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted or 5″ Potted







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‘Escamillo’ Pepper Transplant


Delicious yellow Italian frying pepper. The golden-yellow counterpart to lovely ‘Carmen’ and a refined take on the popular Corno di Toro (or “Bull’s Horn”) pepper class. Bred by Johnny’s and named for Carmen’s love interest in the French opera: the bullfighter Escamillo. Intoxicating sweetness any way it is prepared, but traditionally used for frying. Broad-shouldered with an attractive taper. Excellent roasted, grilled, and in salads.


F-1 Hybrid.  60 Green, 80 Days Yellow.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Farao’ Cabbage Transplants


Delicious early cabbage. Attractive deep green, 3-lb. heads are filled with tender, thin, crisp, peppery-sweet leaves. Holds well in the field and is slow to split. Our favourite fresh market cabbage variety grown at Linden Lane!


F-1 Hybrid.  65 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Frizzle Sizzle Mix’ Pansy Transplants


richly coloured flowers up to 3″ wide displayed throughout the summer atop compact plants. Their ruffled edges become more pronounced in cool conditions looking like whirling petticoats. They are suitable for pots as well as flower beds. Usually grown as annuals but pansies are so hardy that they will often over-winter depending on conditions.


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Frontier’ Onion Transplants


Downy mildew resistance for a wider range of latitudes.

Medium-large, blocky globes with thin necks for consistent drying and strong, copper skins for long storage.


Adaptation: 42-50º latitude.


F-1 Hybrid.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted (~15 plants)







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‘German Winter’ Thyme Transplant


The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavour and yield. Classic culinary and ornamental herb. Small, round to needle-shaped evergreen leaves on woody stems. Mulch in cold winter climates. Perennial in Zones 5-8.


OP.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Giant Italian’ Parsley Transplants


The preferred culinary variety. Huge, dark green leaves with great flavour. Strong, upright stems. Very high yielding.


OP.  74 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4pk potted






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‘Greek’ Basil Transplants


Genuine spicy-sweet, Greek basil flavour. Neat, uniform plants perfect for pots and garden beds. 1/2″ long leaves. One plant perfectly fills a 3-6″ pot with an attractive boxwood-like, mounded or domed appearance. Small, flavorful leaves make convenient garnishes and are easily pinched from the plant or stem and sprinkled over dishes. Also known as Pluto or Greco a Palla Basil.


OP.  45 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)






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‘Greek’ Oregano Transplant


This white-flowered oregano has the strongest flavour of the oreganos. Can be used fresh or dried in tomato sauces, in marinades, or on pizza. Perennial zones 4-9.


OP.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Green Magic’ Broccoli Transplants


Excellent heat tolerance. Heads are smooth, well-domed, and very attractive. Extremely uniform in maturity. Similar to Gypsy, but with a smaller plant, smoother heads, and better uniformity. For summer harvest.


F-1 Hybrid.  57 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Heaven Series’ Hanging Basket Peppers


Compact plants produce lots of fleshy fruit. They are low maintenance and the blooming season lasts from late spring to late summer. Select from available colour options Red, Yellow, Orange, Red-Yellow, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange. 2 plants per basket to provide sweet snacking peppers for tight spaces!


F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic. 12″ Hanging Basket







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‘Honey Boat’ Delicata Squash Transplant


Many claim that this refined Delicata is the “sweetest squash in existence”. Long fruits have the traditional green striping of Delicatas, but with coppery skin instead of the classic yellow. Holds well and keeps its sweetness through storage. Developed by Oregon State University vegetable breeder Jim Baggett. Avg. weight: 1-1.5 lb. Avg. yield: 4-7 fruit.


OP.  100 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Hopi Black Dye’ Sunflower Transplant


Traditionally used to produce a color-fast purple dye by the Hopi Native American people, these sunflowers can produce flowers that tower up to 12′ tall! Seeds are edible and take only 90 days to fully mature.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Howden’ Pumpkin Transplant


Developed by John Howden of Massachusetts in the early 1970s, it defined “the look” in big Halloween pumpkins—deep orange colour, defined ribs, and good handles. Fruits vary in shape and weight, typically averaging 18-26 lb. or larger. Avg. yield: 1-2 fruits/plant.


OP.  115 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Hungarian Hot Wax’ Pepper Transplant


Long, banana-shaped waxy pepper used for frying, stuffing and pickling. Ripens from pale yellow to deep golden orange and finally cherry red, but traditionally harvested light green and used for pickling. Can be harvested at any stage but heat intensifies as peppers mature. Very productive even in cool weather. Heat varies among strains; this strain is spicy but not overly hot.


SHU 10,000.


OP.  60 Days Yellow


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Impala’ Serrano Pepper Transplant


Very similar to Hot Rod (which was discontinued). Large bushy plants that produce dark green fruits that will ripen to red when allowed to. Serrano chiles are about twice as hot as Jalapenos, and are the chile of choice in South Asian cuisine. They are recommended for curries and chutneys. Unlike many other chiles, the flavour is best when they are still green, but they will ripen to a scarlet red colour. Remove the seeds and pith from the inside for a milder burst of chile flavour. Discarding the seeds will reduce the heat by half.


SHU 10,000-25,000.


F-1 Hybrid.  57 Days Green, 75 Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Jalafuego Jalapeño’ Pepper Transplant


Vigorous plants consistently produce very high yields of 3 1/2 to 4″ fruits that are resistant to cracking. Large plants are a bit later to mature but have a higher yield potential compared to most cultivars. High resistance to bacterial leaf spot races 1-3, 7, 8 and potato virus Y.


SHU 2,500-8,000.


F-1 Hybrid.  70 Days Green, 95 Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Jamaican Scotch Bonnet’ Pepper Transplant


An heirloom treasure from Jamaica, this pepper is fruity and full-bodied, providing the backbone of countless Caribbean delicacies. Named for the unique shaped fruits which resemble famous “tam o shanter” Scottish hat. These peppers are critical for the vinegar sauce in Jamaican Escovitch (escabeche). The thick walls of the pepper are well suited to long cooking times for making jerks and curries.  CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 500,000+.


OP.  120 Days Yellow


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Jaune Flamme’ Tomato Transplant

Beautiful French heirloom variety whose name in French translates to “Yellow Flame”.  bright golden orange-yellow tomato. Sweet and juicy medium-sized fruits. Strong plants that will grow prolifically.
Indeterminate. Cherry. Heirloom. 


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Jay’s Peach Bhut Jolokia’ Pepper Transplant


The legendary ghost pepper of Northern India in a peach sherbert tone. While the colour may be inviting, don’t forget that the bhut jolokia took the record for world’s hottest pepper in 2007. This peachy princess in nothing short of scorching! Top-notch for extreme hot sauce blends and powders or nuclear hot cooking recipes. The thin-walled wrinkled fruit average 3 inches in length and pack an astounding 1 million Scoville heat units. CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT!


SHU 1,000,000+.


OP.  130 Days Peach


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Kaleidoscope Blend’ Kale Transplants


A kale blend for serious lovers! A great blend of textures and colours to add to salads, stirfries, soups and more. These 6 packs contain 2x Darkibor (green curly), 2x Black Magic (dino), 1x Scarlet (red curly) and 1x Red Russian.


50-65 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 6-pack potted







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‘Kolibri’ Kohlrabi Transplants


Uniform bulbous stems that are bright purple with firm white flesh inside. Great for snacks, salads, or coleslaws!


F-1 Hybrid.  55 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Konan’ Kohlrabi Transplants


AAS Winner! This Kohlrabi is a great choice for any first time growers to the most experienced! This hybrid produces vigorously uniform light green bulbs with firm white/creamy flesh! Also suitable for container or patio growing!


F-1 Hybrid.  50 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Lemon Boy’ Tomato Transplant

Bright yellow tomato. Produces globe-shaped, 6 oz fruit that are lemon coloured inside and out, featuring a mild, low acid flavour. Fruit are about 3½” in diameter.

Indeterminate. F-1 Hybrid.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Lemon’ Basil Transplants


Narrow-leaf basil from Southeast Asia with a delightfully strong aroma and lemony flavour. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Flowering stalks can be added to bouquets to lend a wonderful lemony fragrance. Also makes a pleasant tea when dried! A smaller-leaf variety, reaching 15″ tall.


OP.  60 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







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‘Magenta’ Summer Crisp Lettuce Transplants


Red Summer Crisp with good flavour. Shiny, slightly puckered, red-tinged leaves form a whorled, conical head with a crispy green heart. Ideal for spring and summer plantings. Tolerant to bolting, tip burn, and bottom rot. High resistance to downy mildew and intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic virus.


OP.  50 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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‘Magnum Habanero’ Pepper Transplant


Typical habanero with bonnet shape and a gorgeous bright orange colour. Uniformity and productivity are top-notch, producing loads of shiny scorching peppers. Plants are tall, well-branched and tolerant of cool conditions, ensuring maturity in cooler climates.


SHU 120,000-210,000.


OP.  100 Days Orange


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Mammoth’ Sunflower Transplant


The giant of all sunflowers with tall, thick stalks supporting huge heads that tower over the garden. This single-stemmed variety is a very fast and vigorous grower, perfect for creating living walls or fences, sunflower houses, kids’ gardens and more. Also a great variety for edible seeds or feeding the birds. Towering plants are beloved by children, birds and bees.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Marketmore 76’ Cucumber Transplant


Long, slender, dark green cucumbers. The slender, refined “Marketmore look” has long been the standard for slicing cucumbers in the North. 8–9″ fruits stay uniformly dark green even under weather stress. Begins bearing late, but picks for a relatively long time. High resistance to scab; and intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, and powdery mildew.


OP. 60 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Mei Qing Choi’ Transplants


Flat, pale, misty-green stems form a thick, heavy base with broad, oval, rich green leaves. The compact, vase-shaped plant at full size is about 8–10″ tall, but also well-formed at mini size when young. Good bolt, heat, and cold tolerance.


F-1 Hybrid.  45 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Merengo’ Celery Transplants


Early! Merengo is an easy to grow celery variety with good crunch and flavour, excellent for snacking. Long and smooth dark green stalks. Very uniform, healthy, tall upright plants have high resistance to Fusarium Yellows.


F-1 Hybrid.  80 Days.


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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‘Midnight Pear’ Tomato Transplant


These little fruits may look like your average black pear, but their outstanding flavour profile clearly earns Midnight Pear a place among the stars. Part of High Mowing’s exclusive Galaxy Suite tomato collection bred by Phillip Griffiths of Cornell University.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP. 60 days.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Midnight Snack’ Tomato Transplant


Improved indigo cherry type with good flavour and disease resistance. Unique, 1.5”, 15-20g fruit ripens red with a glossy, dark-purple overlay. Stellar, indeterminate plant continues to grow and produce under disease pressure and adverse conditions.


Indeterminate. Cherry. F1 Hybrid. 65 days.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Milagro’ Butterhead Lettuce Transplants


Uniform, reliable, attractive green butterhead. Improved mildew resistance and habit over Mirlo, which it replaces. Performs well in spring, summer, and fall. Great disease package!


OP.  54 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack Potted







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