Tag: market
2020 Online Plant Orders
PICKUP FROM THE FARM If you have ordered online through our Spring Plant Reservation system, your orders will be available for pickup during our Annual Plant Sale at the farm unless your order qualifies for mail-order shipping or local delivery. Friday, May 8th, 3-7pm (Online Order Pickup Only, not open for additional sales or public)Saturday,...
2020 Spring Plant Sale @ Farm
NELSON & CASTLEGAR GARDEN FESTIVALS HAS BEEN CANCELLED. PLEASE SEE DETAILS AS WE ADJUST TO CURRENT SITUATION. Come visit the farm for our 3rd Annual Public Spring Plant Sale on the farm in Krestova. Saturday, May 9th, 10am to 4pm CANCELLED Sunday, May 10th, 10am to 4pm Saturday, May 16th, 10am to 4pmSaturday, May 23rd, 10am...
2020 Castlegar Garden & Nature Festival
CASTLEGAR G&N FEST HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO CURRENT SITUATION. PLEASE SEE HOW WE CAN STILL SERVE YOU DURING THIS TIME OR ORDER ONLINE! Come visit us at our booths during the 11th Annual Castlegar Garden and Nature Festival Saturday, May 23rd, 2020 from 10am to 3pm iat the Castlegar Community Complex parking lot. We...
2020 Nelson Garden Fest
NELSON GARDEN FESTIVAL HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO CURRENT SITUATION. PLEASE SEE HOW WE CAN STILL SERVE YOU DURING THIS TIME OR ORDER ONLINE! Come visit us at our four booths during the 19th Annual Nelson Garden Festival Saturday, May 9th, 2020 from 10am to 3pm in Downtown Nelson (600 Block Baker & 500 Block...
Hope in the Field Fundraiser 2019
Linden Lane Farms’ ‘Hope in the Field’ cancer fundraiser! This October, proceeds from every Pink and Blue Pumpkin we grew and sell will be donated to the BC Children’s Hospital’s Oncology department and other charities that help families do family events away from treatments in honour of our dear friend Brooke Malakoff. Brooke battled a...
Pumpkins + Fall Vegetable Sale @ Farm
Linden Lane Farms’ will be selling Pumpkins and Fall Vegetables from the farm on October 10th and 20th! We expect to have Jack-o-lantern, pie and ornamental pumpkins as well as winter squash, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, parsnips, daikon and winter radishes, onions, shallots, leeks and potentially...