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Showing 1–40 of 54 results

‘Alaska Mix’ Nasturtium Transplants


Green-and-white variegated foliage. Improved strain of brilliant, single, 2″ flowers in yellow, crimson, orange, salmon and cherry. Compact, mound-shaped plants. Also known as garden nasturtium and Indian cress.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Bandit’ Leek Transplants


Extremely cold hardy leek variety. Develops gorgeous thickened stems with dark blue-green leaves. Very little bulbing, bolting, or splitting! Sweetness improves with frost and cold weather but all around excellent flavour.


OP.  120-135 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ Potted







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‘Basil’ Mint Transplants


The scent is quite unique, a sweet and spicy mint fragrance somewhat reminiscent of aromas associated with Italian cooking. In keeping with this Italian link, the Basil Mint may also be called ‘Bastardo’. We recommend planting in containers to prevent these vigorous plants from becoming invasive.


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ Potted






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‘Black Beauty’ Eggplant Transplant


Dark purple to almost black-skinned, glossy, oblong, large fruits that form early on sturdy plants. Grown for over 100 years, this heirloom is a heavy producer with up to 12 fruits per plant but expect eight to ten fruits per plant on average. Beautiful ribbing makes it stand out compared to ordinary grocery-store eggplants. This variety performs well in containers that are five gallons or larger.


OP.  75 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Bouquet’ Dill Transplants


Most widely grown. Good seed and leaf yields. Early-flowering plants produce large blooms, seed umbels, and foliage on long stems, making Bouquet the preferred dill for cut flower use and pickling. Also an economical, fast-growing choice for baby leaf production. Edible seeds, flowers, and greens flavour many foods. A popular addition to sauces, salads, and soup. Foliage is known as dill weed. The flowers are used to garnish potato salad, green salads, and pickles. When broken into florets, they can be mixed into a cheese spread or omelet. Annual.


OP. 40 Days leaf, 95 flower/seed


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Bright Star’ Bell Pepper Transplant


Large and bright orange fruits! 3-4” and mostly 4 lobed peppers. Deemed one of the best varieties for outdoor production!


OP.  65 Days Green


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘California Wonder’ Bell Pepper Transplant


Large, blocky, thick-walled glossy fruit that turns red quickly under a range of conditions. Upright, everbearing habit keeps fruit high on 24-30″ plants. Mostly 4 lobed. Suitable for shipping and freezing. Introduced by Burpee’s in 1928 and still a hit today. Strong field resistance to Tomato Mosaic Virus.


OP.  65 Days Green


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Calypso’ Cilantro Transplants


While other types of cilantro have sent up their tall flower stalks and set seed, Calypso cilantro remains bushy and productive. This compact, low-growing variety comes from a British breeding program, and it’s the slowest to bolt in side by side trials — resisting the urge to bolt by as many as three weeks. Its flavour is clean and herbal, bringing distinctive sharpness to broths, tacos, and countless other meals. Annual.


OP.  50 Days leaf, 150 seed


Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted






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‘Carolina Reaper’ Pepper Transplant


Believed to be the hottest pepper in the world at one point, the Carolina Reaper is a serious scorcher! For those extreme pepper eaters, Carolina Reaper is a must. For those less adventurous, they make a great conversation piece in the garden. These devious little peppers are fiery red with a little scythe shaped tail at the base of many fruit, hence the name reaper. The heat rating on these monsters can be over 1,500,000 Scovilles; in comparison, the spicy habanero is a mere 100,000+ Scovilles!


SHU 1-1.5 million.


OP.  120 Days Red.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Ceres’ Sage Transplants


Ceres is a hardy plant which produces soft, fuzzy, green-grey leaves and purple flowers! Loved by pollinators all over! Sage dries very well and Ceres in particular has a high essential oil content. Pick leaves when plant is able to support harvesting.


OP.  Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







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‘Chocolate’ Mint Transplants


Leaves add peppermint-patty flavour to teas, ice cream, and iced drinks. This variety is sultry and refreshingly pungent as the name suggests. A delectably sweet topping for fruit and ice cream alike, also great for hot tea. We recommend planting in containers to prevent these vigorous plants from becoming invasive.


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ Potted






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‘Crackerjack Mix’ Marigold Transplants


Superhero is a lovely compact French marigold with unreal uniformity and stable colours. Stunning 2″ blooms make any garden fit for a Super Hero! French marigolds are smaller in stature and generally have smaller blooms. Blooms come in an array of styles including crested, anemone, single, and fully double. Longer blooming compared to African types, gardeners enjoy flowers up through frost. Ideal to use as edging in flower beds, mass plantings, and containers.


OP.  Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Dahlia Formula’ Zinnia Transplants


Fully double, 4-5 inch wide flowers that are shaped like dahlias. This species is native to Mexico, and plants are fast-growing and long-blooming. Zinnias are good cut flowers. In addition, they are excellent for pollinator plantings and are especially attractive to butterflies. Petals are edible.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Deep Purple’ Basil Transplants


Glossy deep purple leaves striking enough to be ornamental! Delicious in vinegars or as a garnish for your favourite meals. Strong flavour is well-suited to cooking. Beautiful pale purple flowers with deep purple leaves and stems—ideal for adding to bouquets. Average height is 8-10″.


OP.  65 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







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‘Diamond’ Eggplant Transplant


Slender, attractive dark purple fruit hang in clusters for easy picking. Fruit has mild flavor with no bitterness and a fine, creamy texture. Great choice for eggplants in a short season or for those looking for a high quality open-pollinated variety for commercial production. 6-8″ fruit.

Grown from seed from our local Winnow Seed Co.


OP.  75 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Disco Mix’ Marigold Transplants


A large, single-flowered variety with brightly coloured blooms in yellow, orange, gold, and red shades on compact plants. Free-flowering and rain tolerant. Blooms are 2”. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10”


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘Dwarf Jewel Blend’ Nasturtium Transplants


Sweet, mildly spicy flavour when grown as a green. Dwarf plants are covered with large double blooms in a rainbow of bright, sunny colours. Blooms are held well above the deep green foliage. Height 12-16 inches. A popular easy-to-grow annual. Ideal for beds, terraces, window boxes, planters and trellises. Nasturtium flowers and unripe seed pods are edible.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted







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‘German Winter’ Thyme Transplant


The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavour and yield. Classic culinary and ornamental herb. Small, round to needle-shaped evergreen leaves on woody stems. Mulch in cold winter climates. Perennial in Zones 5-8.


OP.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Giant Italian’ Parsley Transplants


The preferred culinary variety. Huge, dark green leaves with great flavour. Strong, upright stems. Very high yielding.


OP.  74 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 4pk potted






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‘Greek’ Basil Transplants


Genuine spicy-sweet, Greek basil flavour. Neat, uniform plants perfect for pots and garden beds. 1/2″ long leaves. One plant perfectly fills a 3-6″ pot with an attractive boxwood-like, mounded or domed appearance. Small, flavorful leaves make convenient garnishes and are easily pinched from the plant or stem and sprinkled over dishes. Also known as Pluto or Greco a Palla Basil.


OP.  45 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)






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‘Greek’ Oregano Transplant


This white-flowered oregano has the strongest flavour of the oreganos. Can be used fresh or dried in tomato sauces, in marinades, or on pizza. Perennial zones 4-9.


OP.  90 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Hopi Black Dye’ Sunflower Transplant


Traditionally used to produce a color-fast purple dye by the Hopi Native American people, these sunflowers can produce flowers that tower up to 12′ tall! Seeds are edible and take only 90 days to fully mature.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Hungarian Hot Wax’ Pepper Transplant


Long, banana-shaped waxy pepper used for frying, stuffing and pickling. Ripens from pale yellow to deep golden orange and finally cherry red, but traditionally harvested light green and used for pickling. Can be harvested at any stage but heat intensifies as peppers mature. Very productive even in cool weather. Heat varies among strains; this strain is spicy but not overly hot.


SHU 10,000.


OP.  60 Days Yellow


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Lemon’ Basil Transplants


Narrow-leaf basil from Southeast Asia with a delightfully strong aroma and lemony flavour. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Flowering stalks can be added to bouquets to lend a wonderful lemony fragrance. Also makes a pleasant tea when dried! A smaller-leaf variety, reaching 15″ tall.


OP.  60 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







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‘Mammoth’ Sunflower Transplant


The giant of all sunflowers with tall, thick stalks supporting huge heads that tower over the garden. This single-stemmed variety is a very fast and vigorous grower, perfect for creating living walls or fences, sunflower houses, kids’ gardens and more. Also a great variety for edible seeds or feeding the birds. Towering plants are beloved by children, birds and bees.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Marketmore 76’ Cucumber Transplant


Long, slender, dark green cucumbers. The slender, refined “Marketmore look” has long been the standard for slicing cucumbers in the North. 8–9″ fruits stay uniformly dark green even under weather stress. Begins bearing late, but picks for a relatively long time. High resistance to scab; and intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, and powdery mildew.


OP. 60 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘National Pickling’ Cucumber Transplant


Short, thick cukes with blunt ends are perfect for pickles and delicious in salads.


Fruits have striped, medium green skin and a slightly tapered shape to fit in a pickle jar. A heavy producer with black spines. Developed by the National Pickle Packers Association; the cuke pickle growers asked for. Resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Scab.


OP. 55 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Orange’ Thyme Transplant


Also known as Orangelo Thyme, this variety has a classic thyme appearance with a sharp and citrus-like aroma and a minty-citrus taste. Upright plant that branches to produce gray-green leaves. Growth habit similar to Summer thyme. Tender perennial in Zones 5-8.


OP.  90-95 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted







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‘Pink Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Pink, round cherry tomatoes striped with yellow and orange. Excellent sweet flavour. Pink Bumble Bee is an alluring combination of light pinks, yellows and oranges and is great in a mix with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Purple Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Purple, round cherry tomato with metallic green striping. Excellent sweet flavour. Purple Bumble Bee is an eye-catching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes and metallic green striping. Great mixed with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gram fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Red Pear’ Tomato Transplant


Prolific yielder of bright red, pear-shaped fruits. Firm, sweet tomatoes that pop in your mouth. Couples well with Yellow Pear. Vigorous, prolific plants produce abundantly right up until frost.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Rosa Bianca’ Eggplant Transplant


A simply elegant eggplant from Sicily. Colourful, light pink-lavender fruit has a soft white shading and gently scalloped form. Rich, mild flesh is very popular with chefs and gardeners alike! No bitterness. A great variety for heirloom market growers. Grow the colour that sells!


OP.  80 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Rutgers Devotion’ Basil Transplants


This improved basil is another great achievement from the efforts of Rutgers University and VDF Specialty Seeds. Uniform, flat to cup-shaped leaves are tender, flavorful and productive throughout the growing season. These aromatic leaves attract shoppers at the farmer’s market and are the ideal basil type for making pesto.


OP.  74 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







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‘Salad Bush’ Cucumber Transplant


AAS Winner! Early maturing slicer capable of heavy yields when grown in containers or where space is limited. Produces an abundance of 8-9”, straight, dark green fruits on healthy compact plants.


Parthenocarpic. F-1 Hybrid.  58 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







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‘Strawberry’ Mint Transplants


This variety produces many leaves with intense strawberry flavour on compact bushy plants. Pick little and often for a plentiful supply of refreshing and flavoursome mint. Great for refreshing drinks in summer- you’ll impress guests with drinks to die for! We recommend planting in containers to prevent these vigorous plants from becoming invasive.


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ Potted






Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Sunrise Bumble’ Tomato Transplant


Yellow, round cherry tomato with red stripes and pink interior marbling. Gorgeous combination of yellows and reds, inside and out. Excellent sweet and tangy flavour. Great in mixes with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits.


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Superhero Mix’ Marigold Transplants


Superhero is a lovely compact French marigold with unreal uniformity and stable colours. Stunning 2″ blooms make any garden fit for a Super Hero! French marigolds are smaller in stature and generally have smaller blooms. Blooms come in an array of styles including crested, anemone, single, and fully double. Longer blooming compared to African types, gardeners enjoy flowers up through frost. Ideal to use as edging in flower beds, mass plantings, and containers.


OP. Certified Organic Transplants. 4-pack potted






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‘Sweet Thai’ Basil Transplants


Exotic clove-licorice flavour perfect in Thai cuisine. Lovely potted herb, edible bedding plant and cut flower for floral arrangements. Gorgeous narrow green leaves with vivid dark purple stems and blossoms; adored by bees. Leaves are 2″ long and plants reach 12-18″ tall.


OP.  60 Days


Certified Organic Transplants. 2″ potted (2 plants)







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

‘Sweetie’ Tomato Transplant


Red, round cherry tomatoes with excellent sweet flavour. Highly adaptable to many growing conditions. Plants are well tolerant of cool or wet conditions. Naturally resistant to ASC. Seed sourced from Winnow Seed Co. in Krestova!


Indeterminate. Cherry. OP.


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Reserve yours now with a 50% deposit or purchase in FULL for pickup this spring!

‘Telegraph Improved’ Cucumber Transplant


Medium green, smooth, mostly seedless, fruits. Crisp, 15-17” long fruits. More economical for outdoor culture. Best grown on a trellis system.


Monoecious. 60 days


Certified Organic Transplants. 3″ potted







Pre-order now to pick up from the farm this spring!

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